Advocates for the outdoors.

The Caldwell Pathways mission is to bring safe and accessible greenways, blueways, and multi-use pathways to Caldwell County and surrounding areas through grants and funding programs.
Benefits We Bring to the Community




Estate Values


Pedestrians & Children


Visit Our Trails, Walking Parks, and Greenways
- Baird Park
- Barton & Estoy Hayes Educational Trail **
- Buffalo Cove Community Park
- Carl & Ruth Green Walking Park
- College Trail **
- Davenport School Park
- Dudley Shoals Elementary School Trail
- Gamewell Middle School Walking Park
- G.F. Shuford Recreational Trail
- Hard & Flossie Clark Family Park
- Hibriten High School Track
- Hickman Interpretive Trail **
- Hudson Elementary & Middle School Trails **
- J.E. Broyhill Park
- Lakeside Park
- Lenoir Aquatic & Fitness Center Trails
- Lenoir Greenway, Multiple Tracks
- Lenoir Mall Indoor Track
- Leslie J. Hagarman Walking Park ***
- Martin Luther King Recreation Center
- Oak Hill Community Park
- Redwood Park Lighted Trail **
- Sawmills Elementary School Trail
- T.H. Broyhill Walking Park
- Town of Gamewell Park Trail
- Tuttle Education State Forest Trails (3)
- Valmead Elementary School Track
- Veterans Park
- West Lenoir Elementary School Track
- Yadkin Valley Trail ***
Humble Beginnings

In the summer of 2000, Caldwell County Commissioners Ron Beane, Alden Starnes, and Larry Taylor called for a public meeting of citizens interested in bikeways, pathways, and multipurpose trails. This citizen's group met periodically over a six-month period and recommended to the County Commissioners that a more formal and organized group be established to represent the entire county and all municipalities.

On February 5, 2001, the County Commissioners appointed a 21-member committee called Caldwell County Pathways. After developing their vision and mission, the committee established three sub-committees to address (1) wellness and safety issues, (2) recreational issues, and (3) non-motorized transportation issues.

On November 27, 2002, the Caldwell County Pathways Committee developed its own Articles of Incorporation and Bylaways, and on May 29, 2003, became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.